Sydney and I work on Bobbie’s Baking Blog side by side, with out her editing and poof reading every article I would not be able to post as often as I do. Blogging is a full time job, sometimes more than 8 hours of work.
When we first decided to start a blog I admit I did not know what I was getting us into. My main love is food; creating food, baking food, learning about food, and of coarse eating food. Photography was something I did for family functions and to record Sydney’s life as she went from a cherub little baby to a beautiful woman starting college. Writing, well the most I had written was in journals or recipes.
Now this blog has become our baby, besides catering for our business, we now photograph food, write hopefully interesting stories, and share recipes near and dear to our hearts. When I write a blog and Sydney proof reads the post it is our hearts we are sharing. Putting yourself out to the world can be excitingly exhilarating; it can also be heartbreaking. I have found I love it!
Blogging is part business (boring), hard rewarding work, and a daily learning experience. I will be posting both the successful tools, the failures, and turning mistakes into an accomplishment. I tend to be a perfectionist; admitting my errors to the world will be the most difficult thing. The only way to learn is by making mistakes, so here goes another journey, and I hope you will join us.