Le Gâteau pour les Amateurs: The Cake of Love

Le Gâteau pour les Amateurs: The Cake of Love

Tulip Paste Triangle Shape Gàteau Before I begin I need to thank Sydney, not only could I have not been able to complete the cakes without her help, but she starts spring term next week and is organizing all her supplies and college necessities, so her time is...
Christmas Opéra Cake

Christmas Opéra Cake

Each year our family takes turns picking out what our Christmas dinner will consist of; this year Sydney is the person to choose the main course and it is my turn to choose all of the desserts (generally there are about three different ones). Lucky me! Last year...
To Brine or not to Brine, The Holiday Time

To Brine or not to Brine, The Holiday Time

I promise this entire blog will not be on brining/or not brining a turkey, I just liked the title. I will however approach the brining subject. When I was young and Thanksgiving was cooked by the generation before me, the turkey was cooked till leathery and never...
The Vanilla Bean

The Vanilla Bean

Vanilla Pods I just adore those almost black, tacky, fragrant, delicious and “O” so versatile pod. The minute I take one out of it’s glass holder the vanilla pod becomes an irresistible aromatic party for my senses: the look, the smell (of course),...
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