Champagne Pudding, Bubbly Fun

Champagne Pudding, Bubbly Fun

Every year, we have champagne left over from New Year’s Eve; each year Sydney and I create unique romantic desserts with the remaining champagne. This year, 2012, we were able to use the champagne in three separate recipes; Champagne Pudding was the first. The...
Rich Double Chocolate Cupcakes, a Treat for Tebow

Rich Double Chocolate Cupcakes, a Treat for Tebow

Being from Colorado everyone here has fallen in love with Tim Tebow; Sydney and I thought it might be fun to create a fusion of Valentine’s Day and Tim Tebow. The end result is a rich buttermilk chocolate cupcake with an even richer chocolate icing. I must admit...
Behind the Mother and Daughter Team

Behind the Mother and Daughter Team

Normally Bobbie writes the posts that are published on Bobbie’s Baking Blog, however, today I am going to be writing a post. As long as I can remember I have been in the kitchen with my mom, we have had so much fun learning to create new treats for the special...
Cannelés Bordeaux, To Help A Friend

Cannelés Bordeaux, To Help A Friend

Sydney and I had the unexpected fortune to meet the most optimistic person in Colorado, if not the nation. He knew I was a pastry chef and began questioning as where he might buy copper cannelé molds for his girlfriend. (He happens to be vegan, but his girlfriend is a...
Bûche de Nöel

Bûche de Nöel

Every year between the week of Christmas and New Years Sydney and I prepare a Bûche de Nöel; this year it was part of our Christmas dinner, the main dessert. I remember the first year  I chose to bake a Bûche de Nöel, I felt nervous and a tad overwhelmed; until I...
Very Cherry Berry Coffee Drink

Very Cherry Berry Coffee Drink

DF, my husband, brought we a wonderful bottle of  Black Forest Cherry Brandy for a recipe Sydney and I are working on; once we tasted the brandy a plethora of  ideas began pouring out of our mouths. It was quite the scene, both Sydney and I tossing out ideas at the...
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