A Chance to Reminisce Before the End of the Month

A Chance to Reminisce Before the End of the Month

Jana of Cherry Tea Cakes was our July Daring Bakers’ host and she challenged us to make Fresh Frasiers inspired by recipes written by Elisabeth M. Prueitt and Chad Robertson in the beautiful cookbook Tartine. Imagine my surprise after returning home from our...
Strawberry Tarts, Forever

Strawberry Tarts, Forever

Sydney and I are Farmer’s Market addicts. Between the warm Colorado early summer air and the aromatic smells of the produce, the Farmer’s Market becomes almost as captivating as Fifth Avenue (almost!). The strawberries were intoxicating this past weekend;...
Springtime Berry Ivory Charlottes

Springtime Berry Ivory Charlottes

Framboise Double Chocolate Charlotte I can hardly believe it is already the second week of April. Springtime in Colorado is a unique experience, you  can ski in the morning and golf in the afternoon. Two days ago the temperature was 24 degrees C/ 74 degrees F, today...
In the Pink Champagne Mousse Cake

In the Pink Champagne Mousse Cake

In The Pink: Pink Passion Cake These wonderful cakes were Sydney’s creation, we have a friend/customer each year who hosts a Mardi Gras party, and this year she asked us if we would design the desserts. (she has always wanted to go to New Orleans for Mardi Gras)...
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