Springtime Berry Ivory Charlottes

Springtime Berry Ivory Charlottes

Framboise Double Chocolate Charlotte I can hardly believe it is already the second week of April. Springtime in Colorado is a unique experience, you  can ski in the morning and golf in the afternoon. Two days ago the temperature was 24 degrees C/ 74 degrees F, today...
Just A Few Notes on a Card

Just A Few Notes on a Card

Not long ago Sydney was looking through some “old” family pictures and letters. Yes, there was a time when pictures were printed on photo paper. While she was laughing at my high school yearbook picture, she found a family envelope filled with partial...
In the Pink Champagne Mousse Cake

In the Pink Champagne Mousse Cake

In The Pink: Pink Passion Cake These wonderful cakes were Sydney’s creation, we have a friend/customer each year who hosts a Mardi Gras party, and this year she asked us if we would design the desserts. (she has always wanted to go to New Orleans for Mardi Gras)...
Red Velvet Crème Fraîche Cake

Red Velvet Crème Fraîche Cake

White Chocolate Crème Fraîche Frosting The men, I am not being sexist, they happen to all be men, work in the mailroom at my husband’s office have very graciously allowed me to have supply shipments to be sent to there mailroom. After the last few weeks of not...
Almond-Ginger Mascarpone Sponge Cake

Almond-Ginger Mascarpone Sponge Cake

During a hair appointment, Sydney and I were discussing recipes and flavors. I really wanted to lighten up a pound cake I had designed for DF; he eats a piece for breakfast every morning. To be perfectly honest I am bored with baking the same cake every week and...
Framboise Mousse Cake

Framboise Mousse Cake

Sydney and I were trying to challenge ourselves with a dessert we had never made before. I recently purchased these amazing pans and a few books about working with these pans. We thumbed through the book and both us fell in love with ” bergamotier,” We...
Framboise Meringue Marshmallow Cookies

Framboise Meringue Marshmallow Cookies

The other day I was surprised with a large brown package, my husband had brought home from his office. I immediately thought what is DF working on now? Well the “joke” was on me, the package was mine. I had forgotten I ordered these new pans and mats....
January Joconde-athon

January Joconde-athon

Gâteaux aux Framboises Starting from the middle of December 2010 joconde cakes have been a major baking pastry in our kitchen. So you can imagine my surprise when on January 1st I openened The January 2011 Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Astheroshe of the blog...
Petits Gâteaux au Chocolat Génoise

Petits Gâteaux au Chocolat Génoise

Little Cuties Without becoming to mushy I want to dedicate this post to husband and daughter. This past week I have been a little, rhymes with, witch (we are a G-rated blog: you know) and they have gone above and beyond family help. I realized as I sat down to write...
A Comedy Errors

A Comedy Errors

I must start off by saying this was one of the most entertaining cakes Sydney and I created; however if you had been with us in kitchen you would have thought you were part of a sitcom. Since  the tulip paste and cake had been baked and assembled the previous night...
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